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2nd Grade » 2nd Grade

2nd Grade

Second grade is an amazing time for transition in our students' lives.  From the beginning until the end of their second grade year, students become prepared for the rigors of upper elementary school.  They gain the skills to read chapter books, write research reports, add and subtract multi-digit numbers, and much more.  As spring rolls around and our second graders grow much taller, more confident, and more polished in their skills, it is exciting to see the collective impact of teachers, students, and families working together to inspire growth.  

Big Math Goals in 2nd Grade:

* Read, write, and represent numbers up to 1,000

* Skip count by 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s

* Compose and decompose numbers

* Add and subtract multi-digit numbers (up to 100,000)

* Demonstrate fact fluency with addition and subtraction (up to 20)

* Round numbers to the nearest tens

* Solve real work problems, especially all types of addition and subtraction

* Tell time to the quarter-hour and distinguish between a.m. and p.m. (i.e. 7:15am is when I eat breakfast)

* Identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount.



Resources to Practice Math:

* - your child has his/her own username and password




* YouTube has lots of great math videos:

Count by 2s:

Count by 3s:

Count by 5s:

Place Value:


Addition Facts:


With all of these, we recommend practicing with your child and talking about math in every day life - adding the cost of items at the store, telling time on a clock face, or counting a large pile of candies by using skip counting by 2s.




Big Reading Goals in 2nd Grade:

* Read Level P books with understanding - at this age, simple chapter books are more common and recommended!

* Talk and write about books to make connections, predictions, summaries, and analyze the author's craft in writing the book

* Use letter sound patterns in reading and writing, including short and long vowels, digraphs (ch, th, sh, wh), and r-controlled vowels (ar, er, ir, or, ur)

* Write for many purposes using full paragraphs with "sound spelling", capital letters, punctuation, descriptive language, and an ability to go back and revise


Resources to Practice Reading:





* Visit our wonderful public libraries to get a free library card and borrow books

* Read more about developing bilingual readers at

We highly recommend that your child reads every day for at least 20 minutes and talking to an adult or older child about what they see and read in the book. It is also very beneficial for all students to be read to in any language as often as possible. By 2nd grade, it is very helpful to develop routines for your child to enjoy and focus on reading on their own each day. Find a special spot, ensure you have books at your child's level (ask the teacher if you need more!), and establish a time every day when reading is done - whether right after school, before dinner, or right before bed. The more time children spend reading, the better they will become at reading.