Regular school attendance is essential for continued growth in academic and social skills. Students are required by Minnesota State Law to attend school every day it is in session unless prevented by temporary illness or injury, medical appointments, or school related activities. All students need to be at school by 9:00 am every day. If your child will not be in school you are asked to call the main office at (612) 866-3630 by 9:00 am. We need to know the child’s name, teacher’s name, and reason for the absence. If a child will be brought in late due to an appointment it is also important to call since we make every attempt to contact the parents of children who are absent and have not called in by 9:00 am..
Parent Pick Up and Drop Off
If it is after 9:15, parents sign their child in at the front office. When picking up students from school, parents must go to the front office to sign them out. It is essential to call the front office at least one hour before picking up your child. Please do not go straight to your child’s classroom to pick them up; you must sign out your child in the front office. For students’ safety, students also cannot be taken off the bus by a parent without notifying the office.
School Hours
The school day begins with breakfast at 9:00am. Early morning arrival at the building is not allowed. Student hours are from 9:00 to 4:00 and Office Hours are from 8:00 to 5:00. Parents picking students up after school are asked to meet their children in the office and sign them out. Only parents or family members listed on your child’s emergency card will be allowed to pick up the child. All students assigned to a bus will be expected to ride the bus home after school unless they are involved in after school activities or we receive a written notice or phone call before 3:00, unless it is an emergency.
Parents are encouraged to visit their child’s classroom throughout the school year. For the safety of our students, all visitors are required to check in at the office upon arrival to pick up a visitor’s pass before proceeding to a classroom.
Weather Related School Closings and Cancellations
Minnesota weather is very unpredictable and sometimes very severe. Families can check television news stations, the PA website, and the PA Facebook page for notification of a school closing or delay.